Past Meetings


The Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling Systems (QAMTS) series of workshops is a long-standing sequence of highly successful international meetings in which the newest research results on quantum mechanical tunneling phenomena are being discussed. The tunnel effect was identified in the early days of quantum mechanics, beginning with the theoretical work of Friedrich Hund (1926/27) on quantum effects in molecular isomerization reactions and George Gamow (1928) on the theory of radioactive alpha decay. Since then, numerous phenomena related to this effect, completely absent, even unthinkable of in classical mechanics, have been discovered and continue to be discovered at a regular rate, with many applications in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Biology, and Medicine, for example. The workshops bring together scientists from a broad range of disciplines studying tunneling phenomena of protons and heavier species in condensed phases and gases, and biomolecular systems, possibly using such tunneling phenomena to characterize different states of matter.

The workshops are held biannually (if possible) and typically attract about 80 attendees. The XXIst International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling Systems will be held in Donostia - San Sebastián in June 17-21, 2024.

List of Previous Meetings

  • XX Quantum Atomic & Molecular Tunneling Systems, Canmore, Canada, 2022
  • XIX Quantum Atomic & Molecular Tunneling Systems, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2019
  • XVIII International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling Systems, Madison, USA, 2017
  • XVII International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Phases,  Beatenberg, Switzerland, 2015
  • XVI International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Phases, Santa Fe, USA, 2012
  • XV International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Phases, Darmstadt, Germany, 2010
  • XIV International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Systems, Houston, USA, 2007
  • XIII International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Phases, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2005
  • XII International Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids, Gainesville, USA, 2003
  • XI Quantum Atom and Molecular Tunneling in Solids, Nottingham, UK, 2001
  • X Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunnelling in Solids, Krakov, Poland, 1999
  • IX Quantum Tunnelling of Atoms and Molecules in Solids, Jülich, Germany, 1997
  • VIII Quantum Tunnelling of Atoms and Molecules in Solids, Grenoble, France, 1995
  • VII Quantum Molecular Tunnelling in Solids, Windsor, UK, 1993
  • VI Quantum Molecular Tunnelling in Solids, Tegernsee, Germany, 1991
  • V Quantum Molecular Tunnelling in Solids, Turku, Finnland, 1988
  • IV Quantum Aspects of Molecular Motions in Solids Grenoble, France, 1986
  • III Quantum Aspects of Molecular Motions in Solids, Nottingham, UK, 1984
  • II Quantum Aspects of Molecular Motions in Solids, Braunschweig, Germany, 1982
  • I Quantum Aspects of Molecular Motions in Solids, Jülich, Germany, 1981